December 2014 Newsletter

Powerful Questions

 Brilliant thinkers never stop asking questions.
Questions are such a powerful way of learning and connecting. They are catalysts, weapons, tools and much, much more.  That’s why we developed the 365 Coaching Questions booklet as a resource to help you develop your questioning skills. Think of the 365 Coaching Questions as jumping off points or catalysts for you.

Categorized by topic, most of the questions can be adapted to fit different situations. We invite you to integrate them into your own voice and try out different questions in different situations. They’re a fabulous way to learn about yourself and others, and to start very unique conversations.

We were delighted when we heard that Coaching Out of the Box® Licensed trainer and Royal Roads Univeristy grad Carol Gabanna, has been using her 365 Coaching Questions booklet as a tool to inspire her daily journaling, so we asked her about it.

Carol, can you tell us about the unique way you’ve been using 365 Questions booklet?

CG: I’ve been using 365 Questions to provoke my thinking daily as I write in my journal.  I choose a question at random and that becomes the topic of the day – yesterday’s was “What do I need to be 100%?”  As you can imagine, that sent me off on an interesting journey.

An interesting journey indeed! Can you share some other questions that have been interesting for you?

CG: Today’s question was “What two things am I willing to stop putting up with this month?”.  Well, it didn’t take me too long to identify Rational Ruth, that annoying voice inside my head that says, “That’s OK dear, you can go ahead and eat whatever you want!”  She talks so loud, I often don’t hear Healthy Hilda saying “Eat those veggies Carol, remember, you’ll feel better.”  I am definitely willing to stop putting up with that!

And in the same vein of something I’d like to stop putting up with this month, there is Judging Judy, who says in a sneering and superior voice “They don’t get it!” when I’m working with clients.  It tires me out but I did discover that if I give her the elbow on the way by, I have more energy to try harder to understand where my client is coming from and to find different ways to explain things.

Using the 365 questions in this way is kind of like getting a box of Crackerjacks – you never know what the prize is going to be! I love how it inspires me in my daily writing and thinking.

And we love that you are being so creative in its application Carol!

Are you curious about asking yourself and others some new questions? Get your own copy here.

Happy Holidays!

At Coaching Out of the Box® we wish you and yours a magical holiday season and a fabulous year ahead.

Upcoming Programs Starting in 2015 - Special Early Bird Rates, Don't Miss Out:

Train the Trainer
Our Train the Trainer Program is designed to shift participants from coaches to coach educators. Classes Start January 28, 2015. ($200 Savings: Use Code EARLYBIRDT3)

5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ 
Learn Highly Effective Coaching Skills That Make An Immediate Impact In Your Work.
Our next program will begin February 3, 2015. Each webinar is 120 minutes long and classes will be recorded and can be accessed at any time from a computer if participants cannot make the scheduled class time. ($150 Savings: Use Code EARLYBIRD555)

Coaching Fundamentals Program™ 
Want to deepen your coaching skills? Our Coaching Fundamentals Program is a world class program perfect for anyone who wants to achieve certification with the ICF at the ACC level and is ACSTH approved. In this ten week virtual program participants will learn the core coaching competencies taught to professional certified coaches throughout the world. Coaching Fundamentals™ virtual delivery dates begin February 10 2015. ($150 Savings: Use Code EARLYBIRDCF)

For more information and to see ALL upcoming courses, Click Here.

Making Coaching Measurable
Are you curious to learn exactly HOW effective coaching is for you or your organization? Read more here.






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